I’m excited about beginning this blog associated with our Houben’s Animal Lures website. At a time when fur prices are at a historic low, I am amazed at the number of people who are discovering the sport of trapping. Either for the first time or picking the sport back up after many years absence. There are very few outdoor pursuits which put you more in tune with what is happening in the outdoors than trapping. Since trap lines must be tended everyday it requires commitment. Commitment to be out there in the field and forest every day no matter what the weather. It provides opportunity to observe wildlife, the sign they leave, the daily and seasonal changes and so much more.
I began trapping during the era of high fur prices and have also been payed to trap for many years. The fact that many are trying trapping for the first time when fur prices are at rock bottom is testimony to how much more there is to the trapping game than financial gain.
I believe the following quote of Wayne Negus sums up the why of trapping:
“These recollections of seasons on wilderness trap lines are a few of the many I have experienced. Now, as any trapper knows, one will never become rich in the toe pinching game, but the pleasures and benefits we derive from this sort of life, more than compensate for the loss of things of material value. Experiences of this sort and this method of livelihood, like education, cannot be taken from us when we hit the last trail. So, my philosophy is, “If you enjoy and can make a living doing it, here’s more power to you.”
Wayne Negus
Famous marten trapper of the Oregon Cascades
One of my primary goals with this blog will be to share my trapping experiences and in some small way contribute to greater success on your trap line. I have a variety of ideas floating around in my head to share such as specific trapping techniques, wildlife research results, and my own trap line stories.
Congrats on the new website, John! I am looking forward to reading about your trapping adventures and techniques!